Flag ep. 1 released!

Today we bring you the first episode of Flag tv series. The project was stalled for a long time due to Bandai putting the clean ending on the second disc and then screwing replication process of the said disc. But now its here, so enjoy.


6 Responses to “Flag ep. 1 released!”

  1. I may be being a bit naive here, but can you explain this in english

    “Bandai putting the clean ending on the second disc and then screwing replication process of the said disc”

  2. The_Soulforged Says:

    Afaik, it means that Dunpeal (the encoder for this series) used the clean op and ed in the encoding process (leads to better quality on those) that Bandai included on the second disc, but there was a problem when making the copies so they resulted being unplayable. They had to replace the bad dvds.

  3. cool, thanks

  4. Thanks for taking on this series, but….
    ‘scuse being clueless here, but where do I find the link?

  5. Dunpeal Says:

    Link to what?

  6. The_Soulforged Says:

    There’s no link to anything. The episode is only on our IRC channel bot so you have to go there to get the cream. We might put out a torrent for the complete series when the series are… complete.

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